Suicide is a very serious topic, so lets not take this lightly.
Why do thoughts of suicide even cross our mind?
We live in a very fast passed world these days. A lot of the advertising we are seeing as well as Social Media content is driven by fear tactics. For your average stroke survivor to simply get through their day has enough challenges alone. Travelling throughout their every day lives with the fast passed world that includes the fear tactics as mentioned almost kindly invites thoughts of suicide inside.
As well as this, we live in a world that demands perfection from us. This is impossible. Especially for stroke survivors. Thats why I encourage imperfection which helps develop a strong mindset.
Heres a different view point on suicide to ponder..
Why is it that so many celebrities out there, take their own life, when from our perspective it looks as if their life is perfect? They have big houses, fast cars, can afford all of the best luxuries out there. Yet a fair amount of them end up overdosing/taking their own life.
I believe that the world is very lopsided. Why is it that in this book I’m reading (Shantaram), people in India that are living in poverty in the slums are some of the happiest people in the world? Laughing at the top of their voice without a care in the world.. There has got to be something that we are all missing. Surely? Perhaps its about time we approach happiness from a different viewpoint.. It is horrifying to know just how many people suicide these days! 8.6 Australians die every day by suicide. That’s more than double the road toll! I couldn’t find any details such as how many of them may have been stroke survivors, but I suspect some of them could have been. We are told how to be happy. Perhaps we are told falsely that if we do certain things it will create happiness, when in fact it doesn’t generate lasting happiness. Perhaps the way we are taught to be happy generates money for businesses or the government…
These are all interesting questions to ask yourself. Then it comes to a stroke survivor living their post stroke life. Trying to live their best life. And of course the thought of suicide will cross most stroke survivors mind. Whether they will follow through with it is another question altogether.
If you are concerned about someone that you know that you think is looking sad. Sadder than usual, I highly recommend talking to them. Ask them how they are going. Be patient with them and invite them into the group (if they are sitting separately). If they continue to come across as very sad, the best thing to do is to look them in the eyes and gently ask them “are you thinking about suicide?” If they hint that they are make sure you tell them that suicide is a very serious thing to be thinking about. Then go on to calmly ask them how they would feel about talking to someone about it such as a counsellor. I have done quite a few suicide prevention trainings and courses before. As well as many other counselling, mentoring and psychotherapy training, courses and degrees.
Remember you got given a second chance and I highly recommend that simply talking about suicide can help prevent a very short term solution to a problem you may have in your mind.
Better & Better
Julian Reddish Counselling
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