“I Am”
The brain is literal, so if you say “I am tired”, “I am not good enough”, or “I am ugly” etc your brain ( your brain will believe it. It is that simple! The more negative input you give yourself the worse you will get and the more you will believe these incorrect...
Newsletter: Relax
I’de like to offer you the opportunity to relax, because if not now, then when? Seriously..... Before you read on I’d like you to close your eyes and picture yourself being somewhere that you love being..... Don't just read on.... Close you're eyes and picture being...
Newsletter: Lets Get Creative!
There is almost a one size fits all stroke recovery journey. Yet as everyone is unique it makes it that much harder for every stroke survivor to “fit in” to this “mass rehabilitation "mould”. In no way am I saying the regular stroke rehabilitation journey most follow...
Julian Reddish Weekly: Juggling
Have you ever watched someone (possibly at a circus) juggle more than 2-3 balls? Lets just imagine a normal person juggling their endless list of tasks in their life that they need to keep managing to live a well managed life where everything is kept in order.. This...
Julian Reddish Weekly: Peace
If only all stroke survivors could have a sense of lightness gently holding them throughout their post stroke life. A beautiful sense of peace covering them through the difficult days telling them that everything will be alright.. Holding them.. Nurturing them.....
Julian Reddish Weekly: This is The Real Deal
Good morning, good afternoon, Good evening to you. Wherever you are reading this and whatever timezone you are in in the world, I’m sure you know, yet may not think it, but all stroke survivors are well… Similar, the same, with varying intensity/affect. Whichever way...
Julian Reddish Weekly: Learning to Relax Post Stroke
Relax deeply, because if not now, then when? It's interesting when we hear all of these obvious statements in life and think to ourselves “ahhh that's obvious I knew that”....Yet we still don’t act on it. We don't always look after ourselves as well as we should.. I...
“Join me in Supporting Stroke Survivors: Walk for a Cause!”
I’m excited to share that this year I’m supporting Stroke Foundation through Stride4Stroke. In November, I’m challenging myself to be active for 600-900 minutes, to raise $500 by doing walking for 45 minutes 5 days a week to help change the face of stroke in...
Julian Reddish Weekly:“From Stroke Survivor to Pre-Wedding Celebration and How You Can Get There Too”
Day to day living can be difficult as is for anyone, yet being a stroke survivor is something else isn't it? If you are reading this I know you know what I mean by this. It is difficult enough as is, let alone striving to achieve goals as well as continuing to take...
Julian Reddish Weekly: Laughter is The Best Medicine
Have you ever felt sick and you went on some sort of medication and it left you not feeling your best? The world of medicine is fantastic, and we are all so lucky to have access to such incredible medicine and health systems. The world of medicine is also one...
Newsletter: One step at a time
If you are a stroke survivor, loved one of a stroke survivor, or a carer of a stroke survivor, have you noticed that taking one small step physically and/or mentally can be a big challenge? If you have, that is because it is difficult to take your first, your 100th...
Newsletter: Never having enough
I love reading and I saw this book advertised The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel. On the back of the book it talked about how some millionaires can never have enough, that is why they strive for another thousand dollars. It made me think that this is because the...