
Julian Reddish Weekly: Laughter is The Best Medicine

Julian Reddish Weekly: Laughter is The Best Medicine

Have you ever felt sick and you went on some sort of medication and it left you not feeling your best? The world of medicine is fantastic, and we are all so lucky to have access to such incredible medicine and health systems. The world of medicine is also one...

Newsletter: One step at a time

Newsletter: One step at a time

If you are a stroke survivor, loved one of a stroke survivor, or a carer of a stroke survivor, have you noticed that taking one small step physically and/or mentally can be a big challenge? If you have, that is because it is difficult to take your first, your 100th...

Newsletter: Never having enough

Newsletter: Never having enough

I love reading and I saw this book advertised The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel. On the back of the book it talked about how some millionaires can never have enough, that is why they strive for another thousand dollars. It made me think that this is because the...

Newsletter: Relief

Newsletter: Relief

Have you ever felt as if you were stuck in a downward spiral of negative thoughts and emotions? Each negative thought becomes more powerful and then you are left feeling powerless.. Does this sound or feel familiar to you? It is easy to continue on this downward...

Newsletter: Fake

Do you have powerful thoughts that try to convince you that you are not good enough, or that you cannot manage to do certain things? As a stroke survivor these thoughts are not always true.. Yes you may struggle with your mindset more than your average person for a...

Newsletter: Are you a learner?

This week I wanted to talk to you about being a learner. Education is obviously very important. But education does not necessarily mean signing up to a course or being at University When people shut off new ideas or are scared to face new technologies or theories,...

Newsletter: Comfort zone

Newsletter: Comfort zone

Are you one to get stuck in your comfort zone? If this sounds like you, you may try so hard to get out, yet you keep on finding yourself slipping back in. Until one day you tell yourself “look whats the point in even trying to get out of my comfort zone as I am...

Newsletter: Peace of mind

Are you someone that goes about their life trying to steer clear of stresses, yet for whatever reason the stresses and triggers end up happily finding you anyway? Wouldn't it be lovely, if you are someone like this and you can develop a habit that is easy to carry out...

Newsletter: Stressing about the future

Newsletter: Stressing about the future

Are you an anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed business owner, busy employee or stroke survivor who struggles to manage their mental health? Perhaps you fall into one of these categories and you worry about the future.. Worrying about the future is an easy thing to do,...

NEWSLETTER: Benefits of despair

NEWSLETTER: Benefits of despair

Have you experienced the sensation of feeling as if you are trapped in a nightmare from the stresses that you are experiencing? It's a scary sensation isn't it? When you are in the depth of despair, you would never dream that this experience could be a beneficial...



Do you feel as if everything in your life is going well and that there is no reason at all to check in with yourself to see how you are truly feeling? You may not even ask yourself this because you simply are feeling so good. If this is the case that is great. Many...

NEWSLETTER: Adjustment

NEWSLETTER: Adjustment

Do you struggle with adjustments? What I mean by this is, do you struggle mentally and emotionally when you need to make an emotional adjustment in your life? The emotional adjustment could be to forgive a friend for something they did that hurt your feelings, or an...