Newsletter: Stressing about the future

Newsletter: Stressing about the future

Are you an anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed business owner, busy employee or stroke survivor who struggles to manage their mental health? Perhaps you fall into one of these categories and you worry about the future.. Worrying about the future is an easy thing to do,...
NEWSLETTER: Benefits of despair

NEWSLETTER: Benefits of despair

Have you experienced the sensation of feeling as if you are trapped in a nightmare from the stresses that you are experiencing? It’s a scary sensation isn’t it? When you are in the depth of despair, you would never dream that this experience could be a...


Do you feel as if everything in your life is going well and that there is no reason at all to check in with yourself to see how you are truly feeling? You may not even ask yourself this because you simply are feeling so good. If this is the case that is great. Many...
NEWSLETTER: Adjustment

NEWSLETTER: Adjustment

Do you struggle with adjustments? What I mean by this is, do you struggle mentally and emotionally when you need to make an emotional adjustment in your life? The emotional adjustment could be to forgive a friend for something they did that hurt your feelings, or an...
NEWSLETTER: Glass ceiling

NEWSLETTER: Glass ceiling

Do you struggle to feel accomplished and be happy with where you are in life without always wanting more? Without wanting more short term pleasures such as buying the next shiny new thing, or getting a quick fix of something.. Maybe your ego is never satisfied and it...
Newsletter: Change

Newsletter: Change

Do you struggle with making a change in your life? No matter how small or large the change is, it leaves you feeling uneasy and makes you want things to go back to how they were. We all love our comfort zones, and we all have our own unique comfort zone, so it seems...