Worrying Post Stroke

Worrying in general is not a pleasant experience is it? Yet why do so many of us do it? Well for one thing a large part of our culture/world is run by fear tactics. Fear sells, so why not continue doing so (for the big companies that is). So even if we do live a nice calm and centred life, we may get bombarded with negativity from listening to the radio in the cars to seeing all of the “screaming” ads out there in public trying to get our attention. That is only one aspect however. I could go on, but you know the type of things that worry you, and how these worries hold on to our mind with dear life. Its as if the only way these worries can “stay a live” is by latching onto us and not letting go.
If you think of going on a holiday for example, what are you looking forward to doing on that holiday? Probably an experience involving no worry… In saying this, wouldn’t it be lovely to know how to manage these endless experiences of worry that come into our life and stay in our life for extended periods of time? When I was studying counselling, I was studying a specific type of counselling called Process Work. I then continued my studies focusing on Process Oriented Psychotherapy. The exercises I learnt in the Course & Diploma were honestly out of this world!

After completing my studies, if I now have a concerning worry and if I use one or a combination of two of the exercised I learnt, the worry would disappear in a matter of 5 minutes or less. This is far better than pretending everything is ok, and burying your emotions deep down, till one day all hell breaks loose. If you would like to learn what these exercises are, it may well be worth asking what these exercises are.

Worrying in theory helps keep us alive as a species, well it did a long long time ago, but not so much anymore. Our bodies don’t know that we don’t need to worry so much anymore, even our mind struggles to know this too. Worrying to a certain degree has kept us safe and secure up until this point in time. There are obvious times to be worried, for example the war in the Gaza strip is a very concerning topic for us all.

Worrying for a stroke survivor is a whole other kettle of chips however. I have touched on this in other blogs (being a stroke survivor is almost as if you have a full time job, simply to get through each day). Being a stroke survivor is like this: I like this analogy as it describes it perfectly for myself as well as for a number of my clients. Lets say your regular persons average starting point on their average day is say “+40-60% positive points”. This enables the person to g about his/her daily activities with general ease. However your average stroke survivors starting point is say “-10- +10% points”. So when we bring it back to the topic of worrying, as you can see, your average person stands a much higher chance of maintaining a well balanced state of mind throughout his/her day.

So how does a stroke survivor go about his/her day from this “-10- +10% points system”? Well there are hundreds if not thousands of different coping mechanisms and management systems you can use that’s for sure. It can be exhausting to go out there and try one health professional, then move on to the another and trying all of their different coping mechanisms  and opinions on how you can maintain a happy life and continue improving. This alone is enough to send anyone crazy, yet for a stroke survivor with their positive starting point of -10-+10% positive points, it becomes far more difficult. Then even more worrying thoughts come in. “will I be able to do this regularly, or will I be able to improve in this area etc etc.. Stroke survivors are struggling enough to not need to go through all of this (what feels like torture).

*Thats where I come in. I am about to talk about a brief combination of courses as well as a lady I met that helped inspire me. I then set out use this lady as inspiration for myself. To set out to be similar to her, yet in the stroke recovery space.

There was a collection of courses I did that changed my life forever (not including the counselling course) which changed my view on the world and on the way we think and act. From doing a collection of these courses, it has enabled me to carry on throughout my day/s with a consistent (good) energy level. It has enabled me to remain in a nice frame of mind for extended periods of time with a good amount of focus as well. One of the ladies that I met in one of these courses continued to support, motivate and cheer me on going forwards which helped as it continued on from what I had learnt in these courses I did with her..
I touch on this on different levels of intensities in the 10 Step Guide to Understanding Your Stroke RecoveryStroke Recovery Toolkit, The Simplicity of Life – Stroke Recovery Guidelines45 – Minute Session. I created these three DIY products so that stroke survivors (with or without help) can read them and try to implement what I talk about in these products into their lives (without the medical professional saying YOU NEED TO DO THIS, AND DO THAT). You can read it at your own will and try all of, some of or simply the exercises you like the sound of. I have found good progress comes without too much pressure.

However if you would prefer that  added level of  support and guidance, you can book in to see me. I have studied counselling, psychotherapy, mentoring as well as have 17+ years of first hand experience myself. So you can know the tips, tricks, tactics and systems I talk about are tried and tested, so you will know you are in good hands if you choose to buy any of my products, or services.

I hope that 2023 has been a good year for you and that you are starting to feel more comfortable in your own skin.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

Better & Better

Julian Reddish Counselling


Stroke Recovery Guidelines
