Do you have powerful thoughts that try to convince you that you are not good enough, or that you cannot manage to do certain things? As a stroke survivor these thoughts are not always true.. Yes you may struggle with your mindset more than your average person for a few years. However it will take you an approximate 5-10 years to learn how to live with your new self depending on goals, dreams, determination, support and love that are surrounding you.
Having these FAKE thoughts of you NOT BEING GOOD ENOUGH will become detrimental to you and your recovery.
The trick is to find your perfect team member that can help you take steps forwards. Help hold you accountable. Help you manage your mental health and mindset and above all teach you to love yourself and appreciate where you are in life. Even though you had a stroke, this does not mean you need to go about your life having FAKE DETRIMENTAL thoughts that keep on holding you back.
If this sounds remotely like you, the stroke survivor, or a stroke survivor that you know that may benefit from some guidance to a better self,  secure your spot today!