I’de like to offer you the opportunity to relax, because if not now, then when?

Seriously….. Before you read on I’d like you to close your eyes and picture yourself being somewhere that you love being….. Don’t just read on…. Close you’re eyes and picture being in your favourite location… Enjoy this feeling.. Allow your body to relax… Deeply relax.. Yes just like that. That feels nice doesn’t it?

Most of us live in such a fast paced world that we forget to relax. If we relax, our bodies begin to rejuvenate and then we re energise. Yet we still don’t remember to relax as much as our body would like. We all know why this is. Our days fly by in the blink of an eye and we want our (INSERT BOLD) rests to be as short as possible so that we can get as much of our stuff done as possible. Unless you get caught up in a Netflix series then you are in luck with having enough rest!

What is the solution then if you don’t give yourself permission to relax?
You’ve got to raise your standards for yourself. Much higher than what you are thinking though!! You’ve got to love yourself as if your life depended on it. You’ve got to want yourself to feel amazing above all odds. This takes practice, and if you are like many people out there who don’t relise that you are capable of so much more, get in touch today and I can guide you through the process of learning how to love yourself enough, and of course learning how to  allow yourself to relax.