The brain is literal, so if you say “I am tired”, “I am not good enough”, or “I am ugly” etc your brain ( your brain will believe it. It is that simple!
The more negative input you give yourself the worse you will get and the more you will believe these incorrect statements you keep telling yourself. Its sickly addictive for our negative brain to keep trying to convince ourselves that we are not good enough etc.. It gives us a small dopamine hit. Its a feel good/feel bad sugar high so to say.
How on earth do you get out of this powerful downward spiral of negative thoughts?
You need to make a powerful decision that you want to make a change. Not just the same decision you keep making that never sticks.
You need to ask yourself how much longer you are willing to put up with this nonsense
1. Close your eyes and imagine never having these negative thoughts ever again.. It feels nice, hey? Well if you seek the right help this can become reality and if these negative “baby thoughts” that have lost most of their power try to come back you can use the tools you learnt to get rid of them well and truly
Now you can start to live your life the way you dreamed of. You can love yourself the way you deserve to be loved. Your whole life can start to become more balanced.
To finish off, have a read of the comment in (INSERT LINK) this blog. One of my clients wrote a fantastic review of Julian Reddish Counselling services.
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