What if “being in the right frame of mind” was near impossible? It is literally impossible at specific moments to change what you do or say.
As time passes and you are the stroke survivor, you should improve the amount of control you have over your thought process. However this is not the case for every one. In saying this, depending on the severity of the stroke that was had, there is only so far the improvements can go without doing something about it.
However each individual is different, and that is a fact. Many choose to be their own manager of their stroke recovery, deciding for themselves what they should and should not focus on. This is a great mindset to have, do not get me wrong!
It wasn’t until I met this lady I talk about in your Stroke Recovery Toolkit who later invited me to these 2 x 3-4 day intensive intuition courses that changed my life forever. These courses did change my life and the way I managed my post stroke life exponentially. I use one exercise that I learnt there at a minimum of once every two days, and this helps keep me on track physically, emotionally and mentally, whilst counseling/mentoring clients as well as maintaining two of my own businesses. It gets tough, but this exercise enables me to carry on quite nicely. A few of my clients find this exercise beneficial for themselves also..
When a baby starts to learn how to walk, they do not give up after five tries do they? They keep on trying and trying, over and over again, until one day they can walk. Then before they realise it they do not need to even try anymore.
If only we all put this much effort into the things that would potentially really help us. It’s crazy isn’t it!? So many of us get complacent with where we are in life that we stop striving to improve. This is perfectly ok as you may have reached where you wanted to get to. However, being a stroke survivor you are forced to keep on trying to improve because, well It will make your life so much easier once you overcome some of the difficulties you are faced with. Yet there will always be levels of resistance in facing every obstacle you face on your journey forwards. My advice to you is do not give up quite yet. You can ease off trying so hard if it is really difficult for you. Just keep on gently pushing yourself forward, and with the right help your life will start to shift for the better and before you know it you’ll have maken substantial improvements. A lot of recovery stems from being in the right frame of mind, and I am confident that I can help you, or I’ll refund you 100% if you are not happy.
Imagine what life would be like if you can get into the right frame of mind almost on cue.. It would help with energy, confidence, happiness, and overall it’d make you feel pretty good about yourself.